We allow professional and novice photographers, and your clients, under the following guidelines:
Paying customers are welcome to take personal, natural photos (Cameras only, no drones or lighting equipment) on the farm during our OPEN hours. Photography is only allowed in areas that are open to the public and must be completed by closing time - no exceptions. Your paid ticket must cover the area you are using for your photography or you must have written permission and payment must be made prior to entering any fields. NO EXCEPTIONS.
When we are not open to the public, including after or before business hours, you may only enter to take photographs with special permission*.
If you wish to enter the farm before or after business hours (which may change daily depending on crop availability and weather), or a day when we are closed, you must make an appointment in advance. If the requested timeframe (60 minutes or less) is available, the charge is $50 payable on site by cash, check or credit.
All farm rules must be followed, including no pets, smoking or alcohol. You must remain in designated open areas, and pay for any items that are picked, including berries, flowers and/or pumpkins. Everyone must exit the farm at the same time.
Rules include NO climbing on trees or fences. There is no tolerance for acting in an unsafe manner.
If you are taking photography/videography for advertising or mass media purposes, please contact us in advance, we are happy to work with you if we are able to do so. A different fee schedule may apply.
No drone/aerial photography is permitted at any time without express written permission from the owners.
Please respect our private property and help us keep it looking beautiful for the next photographer and their group. Enjoy your photos and memories by following our guidelines!
Special thanks to the following whose photography is featured on this website:
Capturing Joy Photography
Jennifer Woodson Taylor
Malcolm C. Andrews
Orange County Review
George Lovelace
Jessica Peters
Beatific Vision Photography
Mayhurst Estate
Visit Orange County Virginia
*Photography of our LOVEworks sign is not included in this policy. You are welcome to enter the farm from dawn to dusk from May thru December.